Tag Archives: spirit guide
Phillip’s Wisdom on Sorrow
Why Do We Have Sorrow in Our Lives? Q. Do we only create part of our reality? If we manifest what we want, why the sorrow? Phillip’s Wisdom: As a soul while in Spirit World, you decide the greater picture … Continue reading
Phillip’s Wisdom on Manifesting
It is not that you must go in search of anything. It is that once you have gathered the right ingredients together, you then must become that for which you have gathered the ingredients. This is what is meant by … Continue reading
To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate…
Viewers of my weekly YouTube videos ask questions of the esoteric nature, which Phillip, my spirit guide and teacher, then answers through me. Recently, the question was asked: “Diana, can you answer a question about why there is no acceptance … Continue reading
The Smile
Last night while reading a journal from 2006, I came across this message from Phillip, my spirit guide: “In the small works, we do great works.” As I thought about this message, I thought about the importance of a smile, … Continue reading