Tag Archives: higher energy
Finding that which Is Lost
Our material treasures are in our lives to help make our lives easier. When we misplace or lose something we treasure, it brings us frustration, which causes unhappiness. We become angry with ourselves for not being more careful, which adds … Continue reading
Dealing with Bullies
Do you have a bully in your life? Someone who says and does things that are hurtful to you? Someone pushes you to your limits and causes you sleepless nights. Someone you may have even felt anger toward and you … Continue reading
Hazel’s Angels
It was in the mid-1990’s when I was attending Jean Houston’s New York Mystery School that I met Hazel and her angels. She was a lady of a certain age by then but during World War II Hazel was a … Continue reading
Winter Solstice Is a Time for Introspection and Awakening Light
Winter Solstice comes at me always unexpected as the days shorten and the nights lengthen. Loneliness can overtake me in the darkness, leaving me feeling empty of energy, and I must remind myself to turn the loneliness into one of … Continue reading
Phillip’s Wisdom: On Love and Fear
Each individual thought or action from the individual human creates an energetic vibration that meets with other similar energies. These energies fasten together, growing in complexity as more like energies bond. To simplify what we are saying, take one thought … Continue reading
Happiness Depends on Your Signals
Imagine a grid around the world, a network of crisscrossing lines that vibrate with energy. Imagine at every juncture where the crisscrossing lines intersect, signals are sent and received. Signals reverberate out into the universe and bounce back toward the … Continue reading
Your Inner-World Friend
We are all connected with one another, and yet we so often feel alone, which leaves us feeling unsupported and lonely. And unhappy. Even if we accept intellectually that we are not alone—that there is something greater than we are—how … Continue reading
Phillip’s Wisdom on Judgment
You will find as you suspend judgment you will no longer put life’s occurrences into categories. When there are no longer categories of what is right or wrong, good or bad, your emotions no longer dictate whether something “sucks” or … Continue reading
Healing Ancestral Patterns
Why are old patterns so hard to change? For one thing, it’s what we’ve known our whole lives. For another, it’s what we came into this life to heal. We sat up there on that star somewhere and looked at … Continue reading