Phillip’s Wisdom: On Love and Fear

Each individual thought or action from the individual human creates an energetic vibration that meets with other similar energies. These energies fasten together, growing in complexity as more like energies bond.

To simplify what we are saying, take one thought by one human, The sky is beautiful. That thought has a vibrational frequency to it; let’s call it “SB.” Thought SB moves into the ethers and bonds with another thought SB. These two SBs continue to attract and be attracted to other SBs, thus the energetic field of the original SB has increased and strengthened.

What this means for the person who is having the thought SB, The sky is beautiful, is that the original energy of this one thought has increased and will manifest in two ways: (1) the energy of the original thought increases so in this case the enjoyment of the sky increases; and (2) as the thought bonds with similar thoughts, the energy increases for everyone receptive to receiving.

This is what is meant by like attracts like.

One thought bonds with a similar thought. This bonded thought bonds with other similar thoughts and so on. As you can see, the more humans who repeatedly and purposely have similar thoughts the more powerful the manifestation of the thought into third dimension reality.

To create a world of greater love for humanity and all life, including life of the planet, humans must be willing to release fear and live love. At this time on planet Earth, we see great opposition to those who practice love, living love. At times, it may even seem that fear is more powerful than love. It is not. In the most temporary of circumstances.

This is what is taking place in your world today. Because of so many individual dwelling on fear, fearful thoughts bonded with like fear thoughts are manifesting in the third-world dimension as wars, terrorism, political upheaval, murders, violence of all types, prejudices, hatred of others, harm to animals and winged ones, destruction of the planet, and a host of other non-life affirming realities.

The movement to counteract this is quieter and just as powerful. To those who are shouting, however, the quieter movement of love cannot always be heard over the dramatic roar of fear. Only those who are willing to give up the fear and have the courage to live love will experience what Love is.

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