Happiness Depends on Your Signals

Imagine a grid around the world, a network of crisscrossing lines that vibrate with energy. Imagine at every juncture where the crisscrossing lines intersect, signals are sent and received. Signals reverberate out into the universe and bounce back toward the planet. What are these signals? Who sends them? Who receives them? 

You are. You are the signal; you are the sender; and you are the receiver. With every emotion you experience, you send a signal. With every thought you think, you send a signal. Combine emotion with thought and the signal grows in power. You are the sender, and you are the signal. You are also the receiver. The energy you put out comes back to you. Like attracts like. 

You are part of this wondrous matrix of life; you are the soil in which possibility is embedded. 

Use signals to create happiness. Fine tune your signals and grow new possibilities of happiness. Here’s a way to do so—

Stand or lie outside on the ground. Look around the heavens until you find a cloud. Study this cloud for a few minutes, and then send out the signal that directs the cloud to disappear. Poof! Do not get deeply invested, just send the signal out with excitement and a clear signal. Notice the ending of the last sentence—with excitement and a clear signal. Play this game with the wonder of a child with a new toy. Enjoy yourself as you think the cloud away. See the sky empty where the cloud once was. See blue where once was white. Once you have mastered cloud transformation, see what games you can come up with to prove to yourself your creative connection to all.

And then—

On a clear night, at the darkest time, go outside. If possible, get away from city lights. Stand or lie on the ground and look toward the stars. Let your eyes soften and keep looking. Let your mind quiet and keep looking. Then you will see the grid, subtle, pulsating lines crisscrossing, intersecting, surrounding the planet, lines of vibrating energy, signals you send and you receive, and in this moment of time, the awesome wonder of your connection will fill you with a sense of humbleness, greatness, and responsibility, and a deep and astonishing joy that stretches beyond yourself, and you will be happy.

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