Category Archives: Happiness
Finding that which Is Lost
Our material treasures are in our lives to help make our lives easier. When we misplace or lose something we treasure, it brings us frustration, which causes unhappiness. We become angry with ourselves for not being more careful, which adds … Continue reading
Dealing with Bullies
Do you have a bully in your life? Someone who says and does things that are hurtful to you? Someone pushes you to your limits and causes you sleepless nights. Someone you may have even felt anger toward and you … Continue reading
Happiness Depends on Your Signals
Imagine a grid around the world, a network of crisscrossing lines that vibrate with energy. Imagine at every juncture where the crisscrossing lines intersect, signals are sent and received. Signals reverberate out into the universe and bounce back toward the … Continue reading
Look at Your Plate
Much unhappiness is caused by stress or idleness. Put the two together and you have a pit that digs into a depression. Stress comes from more on your plate than you can pray over. Idleness comes from nothing on you … Continue reading
For Happiness Move from Wanting to Having
When we are unhappy, we need to look within our lives to that which helps to create our unhappiness. Unhappiness is often caused by our constantly staying in the place of wanting and never reaching the place of having. We … Continue reading
Be Happy, Have a Temper Tantrum
Even if you consider yourself fully mature—and few of us do if we’re past our twenties—your inner child likes treats and needs to play. The lack of feeding and considering your inner child can keep you from the happiness you … Continue reading
Unsticking the Stuck
It takes energy to be unhappy. Unhappiness drains you. Imagine you are walking around every day carrying a fifty-pound bag on your back. This fifty-pound bag is filled with I’m-not-good-enoughs; They-are-not-goodenough-for-mes; Life-is-unfairs; I-could-do-that-buts; and a thousand other excuses of what … Continue reading
Mining the Body’s Wisdom
Happiness eludes us when we hold old fears and other negative emotions in our bodies. Releasing negative emotions provides us with greater wellbeing, health, and energy—and it allows us to be happy. Our bodies are wonderful monitors for telling us … Continue reading
Life’s Small Moments
You are the only you in this whole world. You are unique. No one else is like you and no one else can be who you are or do exactly what you can do for this world. You have come … Continue reading