11 Dimensions & Parallel Worlds

Think about reality. What is it really? Is a table real? We think so, but when we look deeper, we see a different reality. We experience the table as being solid, but scientists can see a different reality and they tell us the table is made up of millions of swirling particles, which doesn’t sound like something solid at all.

What if all around us there are different realities simply vibrating at a different frequency — in different dimensions? We aren’t aware of these other dimensions — these parallel worlds — because of the frequency at which we vibrate. Take stones for example. Have you ever looked at stones? Really looked at stones. We think they are inanimate objects, but when you look at stones with a different perspective, you see faces — stone people as the Native Americans call them. What if these stone people are having a party going on all the time and don’t invite us? What if we could tune in to their frequency and join their party?

What if parallel worlds exist right here where we are, and we could — at will — move into them? What if every major choice we make creates a parallel world where that other choice is living out another life? It’s all a little mind boggling, isn’t it?

In quantum physics — depending on who you listen to — physicists believe there are either 10 or 11 dimensions. On the surface, that sounds like something that might be pretty easy to grasp — that is until we start looking at what those different dimensions are. So, let’s start at the beginning with the first dimension.

The first dimension has no depth, no width, no up or down. It’s just a dot, no length, width, or depth. The second dimension has only length and width, but no depth. In the second dimension, you can go forward, backward, left or right, but you cannot go up or down. Photographs are two dimensional. In the second dimension, a ball has no curves. It looks like a flat circle.

If you live in a two-dimensional world, you would probably find the three-dimensional world a very scary place. Imagine what a two-dimensional flat circle might think if he saw a three-dimensional ball. Scary. Scary. Scary!

If you live in a two-dimensional world, you cannot see into the third dimension, but if you live in the third dimension, you can see lower dimensions. Since we humans live in the third dimension, we can see everything in the two-dimension world — but — and this is a big but — we may not be able to see into the higher dimensions — at least not until now — or unless you’re a psychic or a shaman or mystic or a poet, maybe.

In the mystery schools of the past, students were instructed on how to safely move among these higher worlds. These secrets were only given to a few because most people were not ready. In the energy in this current epoch, it is easier to move between dimensions than at any time in our recorded history, and to do so safely and fairly easily. Everyone — everyone — who is willing to learn can grasp this knowledge and remember what we did so naturally eons ago. We’ve just forgotten how to maneuver among different dimension, except for those who are remembering. how to maneuver among different dimensions.

The fourth dimension is time. In the third dimension, we see moment by moment, but in the fourth dimension, we see the entire timeline of our lives — from birth to death — and we can see this entire timeline all at once because in the fourth dimension we are able to see that everything happens all at once. So, time as we know it in the third dimension does not exist in the fourth dimension, because everything in the present moment is all happening at the same time.

In the fifth dimension, we meet parallel worlds. For every major choice you’ve made, there is a parallel world that exists with the other you that is living the other choice. For example, in this life, I have no two-legged children, only four-legged ones. But two worlds over, I am the married Diana with a couple of two-legged children. In this world I live in the country. Three worlds over I live in New York City and I’m a very successful playwright. Thirteen worlds over I’m a long-legged man who spends his days riding his motorcycle across the country. In another world over, I’m part of an Irish folk rock band. These last two are not from choices in this life, but from other lives. Read on.

Here’s where it gets really mind boggling. Every you in every parallel world is making choices that then create another parallel world influenced by that you’s choices. In the fifth dimension, we can jump back in time to what we call past lives; jump forward in time to future lives; or jump through to the sixth dimension, where you can visit all the possible timelines of all your possible lives. If that isn’t mind-boggling enough, in the seventh dimension, we can see all the possibilities of our universe since the big bang theory. As we keep on going through the higher dimensions, we can see all the different universes with all their laws. For example, in our universe, we have the law of gravity, which means we are subject to that law, but other universes have other laws.

A friend and I were talking about the laws of this universe and moving into other dimensions. He said that when he tried to move forward, he felt a resistance, and then he heard a speaker say that we cannot move faster than the speed of light, so when we move between dimensions we have to move to one side or the other. I thought about that and got really excited because that’s how I move into parallel lives — I move either left or right.

And then I began to think about that some more and thought I don’t always move from side to side, so I asked myself when do I move forward or backward and when do I move from side to side. I move from side to side when I’m subject to the laws of this universe, but when I’m moving into the higher dimensions — those above the seventh dimension — the eighth dimension or higher — I move either forward or backward without resistance. I’m not saying you should move through resistance, but you might want to stop to think about what is going on.

When we get into the ninth dimension, we can see possible timelines for other universes. The tenth and eleventh dimensions contain all possibilities for all universes, and quite frankly as vivid and wild as my imagination is, I can’t imagine all possibilities for all universes.

So why is all this important to us individually? For a couple of reasons. It expands us as we expand our knowledge and have some grasp — however small — of the grandeur of life and the greatness of our own lives. It also allows us to tap into these other lives and visit ourselves in other expressions and lend assistance to those lives or bring back gifts from those lives to this life. Moving through dimensions also allows us to connect with loved ones who have crossed over and with those other worlds in which we are still together.

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You Can Stop Sadness Addiction

A person asked me why we need to reach bottom before we get it. I responded by saying, “I don’t know; it’s not necessary.”

I doubt my answer was appreciated. We never do like to hear that we can stop our suffering at any time, that it is our choice to stay in the pain.

We don’t like to hear we cause our own pain and suffering. That’s not to say we should never feel pain. We should. Experiencing our own pain allows us to have empathy for others’ pain.

The problem is when we stay put, when we think we have to reach bottom before we can start climbing to the top. At any time, we can chose to change course. Easy? Not necessarily, especially when we’re not practiced at changing courses. We can lean though.

We can also often avoid pain, but we have to pay attention to our lives. Spirit/God/Creator/Energy/Universe always whispers before the shout and always shouts before the big bang. But so many wait for the big bank before listening or taking actions that will curb the suffering and bring us into joy.

I’ve noticed over and over that people who seem addicted to sadness will find a reason to be sad, even when their lives are filled with all that should make them happy. One man told me that when he looks at his life his pattern is one of the highs and lows, and when he’s high he knows it won’t last so he becomes sad knowing the happiness will fade.

I’ve also noticed that people who are sad are in such deep need that they go from person to person asking for the pain to be removed. Of course no one can remove our pain, no one except the one who carries it.

All we can do is border between supporting the person in their journey of healing and not cross over into trying to do it for them or letting them off the hook of doing their own work. It’s a tightrope walk to help someone in pain and addicted to sadness. Eventually they will become angry with us even for our support because we cannot rescue them and take away their pain.

Does this mean we should desert them? No, but they may desert us and look for the next person to fix them until they hit that bottom and that forces them to realize that the only person who can fix the pain is the one with the pain.

Only each of us can do the work that heals our patterns and changes our addictions, whether those addictions be to sadness, drama, harmful people, etc. Only we can do the work to change our addictions to those of happiness and joy. When we get this we will hear the whisper of Spirit/God/Creator/Energy/Universe long before the shout.

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Healing Ancestral Patterns

Why are old patterns so hard to change? For one thing, it’s what we’ve known our whole lives. For another, it’s what we came into this life to heal.

We sat up there on that star somewhere and looked at Earth people and said, “Well, I can go there and set them straight.” You forgot to read the fine print. No one told you that you would get here and forget. Not one told you that it would be so hard.

You want to know what you’re here to heal? Look to your heritage as well as your own life. When we came into body, we agreed to take on certain patterns for healing and evolving the world. We carry our ancestors in our DNA, so look to your ancestry to learn of the patterns you agreed to heal. Ask yourself what healing have the ancestors asked you to take on? What healing have you agreed to take on? If you don’t know your heritage, make one up. Chances are that’s your heritage.

You are the chosen one, the one the ancestors have chosen, the one the angels have chosen, to heal old patterns and take your clan/tribe into the new age. You have the courage, the wisdom, the abilities. All that is required is the willingness, and all you need is provided as you ask.

To heal, simply ask to be healed. And then do the work.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Finding Yourself

This above all remember: you already have all the answers within you. You’ll hear them when you stop listening to just your human voice and also listen to your inner spirit voice.

Others may offer advice but only when you ask for it. Remember this: you are not broken although at times it may feel like it. You are unique and perfect just as you are, so never allow another person to try to fix you. If anyone tries, walk away. This is not to say you are not to ask for help. Asking for help is wise. We are saying another should not be trying to fix you. There is a difference.

If you are trying to fix another, stop. Put your energy into looking at your own issues and doing your own work of repattering your old patterns instead of telling the other how to live their life.

Spiritual maturity is leaning what you want and creating it. If you are sitting on a stone and wishing someone would come to rescue you, you may sit for a long time. No one will come to rescue you.

If you want company or a shoulder or a friend, ask. If is an honor to be asked to sit with another. If the person you ask to sit with you is unable to do so at that moment in time, do not take offense. Respect that they are in their own process and can’t be there for you in the moment. They may be available to you another time. Go ahead and ask someone else to sit with you or sit within your own quietness.

If someone asks you to sit with them while they talk through an issue they are experiencing, listen deeply. Don’t try to fix them or the problem unless you are asked for your opinion, or it is understood that you are there to offer an opinion. Sometimes we just need someone to listen to us. To listen without judgement is a great gift we can give to another.

Every day of your life, spend sacred time with yourself. This may be time for meditation, journaling, or another spiritual practice.

You are here to rebirth yourself—the self who pays the bills, goes to the grocery store, interacts with others, the self who lives in the mundane world—into the bigger Self. This Self lives in a greater reality. This is your creative, spiritual force. You bring this greater Self into the mundane world by living from that greater, divine reality and be the transmitter of grace and love regardless of what the outer world is showing you at times.

Does this mean you will no longer pay your bills or shop at the grocery store, or live in the mundane world? Absolutely not. Does this mean that suddenly your life will be wonderful, and you’ll win the lottery, and you’ll never have another care in the world? No.

What your life will transform into is that you will live in the mundane world in a more extraordinary way, in a more sacred way. You may not live there every day, but when you return, you will return to learning, and at time knowing, the mysteries of the cosmos and the secrets of the universe. You will begin to understand how the Great Mystery plays out in your life and all life.

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Phillip’s Wisdom: Are You a Victim or a Creator?

Our souls will always present to us what is for our highest good for our life’s journey. What we believe about what happens to us is how we will experience our lives.

When you wake in the morning and see rain/snow/sunshine, how do you experience it? When you lost a job, how did you experience it? When you had a relationship end, how did you experience it?

Think of God/Spirit/Universe as an energy force—a powerful one—that works through you and all life. You direct this force via your own thoughts—both your consciousness thoughts and those you are unaware of.

To manifest your dream, to live your highest life, requires more than changing superficial thoughts. It requires that we constantly live with awareness of our thoughts and that we do the work to make the dream happen.

You can either be a victim or a creator? You cannot be both at the same time. Which do you choose to be?

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Phillip’s Wisdom on the Mastery of Life

When you create your life from the sacred self, the deeper self, you create and live consciously. When living consciously—living with awareness—you become more aware of what you are creating in your life.

You become aware of what your spirit is creating for your highest good. You begin to understand that so many of those so-called bad things that happen are because at a spirit-soul level you have called them in. Your spirit-soul may have asked to have an experience to facilitate your growth, to heal an old wound, to gain the energy of the experience to help heal others.

Your local life may not particularly like the experience, may even fight the experience or try to ignore it or push it away or even get caught up in the victim role.

The bottom line truth is you are the creator of your life, and yet you are not in control. The spiritual path is not about control of life. It is about the mastery of your life. Control is holding ridged; mastery is flowing.

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Hurt Feelings No More

We’ve all been there—someone says or does something that hurts our feelings—a look or word that tears into our self-esteem. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can be sensitive human beings and care what others think of us and still not get our feelings hurt all the time. In fact, always getting our feelings hurt may mean we are living in a state of self-absorbed sensitivity, which can cause people to feel they have to walk on eggshells around us. We end us keeping intimacy at arm’s length when in fact what most of us want is just the opposite. We want to be close to people and to be liked by others.  So how do we let down those defenses and stop getting hurt by what others say or do?

Three ways to stop getting your feelings hurt are to consider the source, don’t take it personally, and believe in yourself. Let’s take a more in-depth look at each of these.

Consider the source

Suppose you are at a party, and you overhear two women talking about what a jerk that man in the blue shirt is. You’re wearing a blue shirt, so you think they are talking about you. You get your feelings hurt.  What should you do? Should you confront them? Slither away in hopes they don’t see you? Or look around until you see another man in a blue shirt and assume they are talking about him? Actually, you don’t want to do any of these. Instead, you want to remember the old adage your mother always told you when you came home from school and one of your classmates had said something nasty about you: Consider the source.  Wise mother.

Some people just like to talk about others and what they have to say may not be flattering. These people forgot what their mothers told them: If you can’t say something nice about a person, don’t say anything at all. Ignore them and remember this: When we are not engaged in the fullness of our own lives, we tend to see fault in the other. 

But what if the source is a good friend or even your spouse? The same still holds true—consider the source. If the source is someone close to you, also consider the motive. Is he angry and just trying to blame you? Is she trying to change you into what she wants you to be? The source may have a hidden agenda that he or she isn’t even aware of. Whatever the case, remember: When we are not engaged in the fullness of our own lives, we tend to see fault in the other. Certainly there are good friends and spouses who have our best interest at heart, and to these people we should carefully listen. When we consider the source, we are able to determine if the other is truly trying to help us or acting out of their own agenda.

What if the source is in a position of authority, such as a boss or teacher? In a perfect world, all people are kind to and considerate of one another. Since we do not live in a perfect world, people in authority may be having a tough day or they may have issues in their lives that play out in their interactions with you. Again, consider the source, and you will be able to cut them some slack and compassion to see their point of view and stop getting your feelings hurt. And you just might learn something as well once you drop your defenses, which you can do when you no longer worry about getting hurt.

When you feel yourself getting your feelings hurt, stop for a moment and consider the source. You just might find the other person truly does have your best interest in mind. Or you might find the other person’s comments aren’t worth listening to. Either way, when you consider the source, you stop getting your feelings hurt.

Don’t take it personally

In his book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz advises, “Don’t take anything personally.”  Master this advice and you’ll stop getting your feelings hurt. Ruiz writes, “Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind; they are in a completely different world from the one we live in. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world, and we try to impose our world on their world.”

Suppose you get your long hair cut. You feel confident and pretty, but when you get home the first thing your spouse says is, “What did you do to your hair?” This isn’t what you wanted to hear, so your feelings are hurt. But you can avoid hurt feelings by stepping back and, as Ruiz says, do not take the comment personally. Regardless of how close you are, you and your spouse live in different worlds. Perhaps in his world he equates the depth of your love for him with the length of your hair. If you take his comment personally, you’re apt to withdraw. If you don’t take the comment personally, you are able to avoid getting hurt and perhaps even opening a discussion between the two of you that takes you to a new level of communication and intimacy.

Believe in yourself

The third way to stop getting your feelings hurt is to believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself—truly believe in yourself—you are able to step back from what another says about, or to, you and evaluate the validity of the comment or action. Certainly, we all want to be liked by others, but if you believe in yourself, what another says will have less impact than if you are waiting for the world to approve of you.

Getting your feelings hurt by others is not a given in life, quite the opposite. If you just remember to consider the source, not take the other’s words or actions personally, and to believe in yourself, not only will you be able to stop getting your feelings hurt, but you will also find life is a whole lot sweeter and people are more fun to be with. And guess what? They are thinking the same about you!

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Are You Choosing Enlightenment or the Destruction of Happiness? The choice is yours.

Are you seeking enlightenment, or do you prefer to act and react only in human form? Are you growing into being a Bodhisattva or are you stuck in unhappiness?

A Bodhisattva is one who is on the path to awakening or one who has awakened. Quan Yin, the Buddha, Jesus, the Creator, Muhammad, and others are Bodhisattvas. Many, such as Quan Yin, have chosen to stay in Earth’s energy to support the rest of us for mutual enlightenment.

Following are the traits of the ones who are seeking enlightenment followed by the destructive traits.

The 10 qualities for the Bodhisattva that lead to enlightenment are:

  • Generosity
  • Virtue
  • Renunciation
  • Patience
  • Energy
  • Resolve
  • Loving-kindness
  • Truthfulness
  • Wisdom
  • Equanimity

Cicero said, “Self-centeredness fuels destructive actions.” Here is Cicero’s list of destructive actions.

  • The illusion that personal gain is made up of crushing others.
  • The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected.
  • Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.
  • Refusing to set aside trivial preferences.
  • Neglecting development and refinement of the mind, and not acquiring the habit of reading and study.
  • Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.

What traits we chose will lead us to enlightenment or to the destruction of any true happiness in our lives. The choice is ours to make. We do so with our every thought and action.

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Thought Shapes Our Reality

Our realities are shaped by events we have already lived through. If we die in the illusion of war, we may need to experience war again in this life to change the thinking. It is the thinking that makes it so, and then the action will follow. This is not to say everyone who has experienced war in another life will experience it again. The soul may choose a different experience, but if the thinking is stuck in war, then that shall be the experience until the thinking changes.

The same is true if we die after living a peaceful life of love. We may choose to return to human life to add love to the world. Or we may choose to experience fear so we can bring love back into our lives and the lives or others. We may also choose to not return to this dimension knowing that our work here is completed.

The spirit continues when the body has been put aside, so the spirit has the choice to change the illusion or to continue it. The mind and the spirit are the consciousness of the being, so the thinking does not change just because the body does. The soul, which is the storyline of each being, is given the opportunity to grow and learn and to change the thinking to correct any third-dimension illusion. This is not so different from life in body on Earth.

The choice is within each being, with each choice changing the collective whole, because in truth there is only one being experiencing multiple expressions. Even the smallest change ripples through the entire body of the whole.

That said, we emphasis the importance of each person to examine their thinking. It is with each thought that war or peace is created, that love is chosen over fear, that the heart is opened to greater dimensions or is it being closed?

Every human’s need is to learn love, which is the truth of who we are.

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10 Ways to Help Stop Violence

As children we played outside, rode our bikes around the neighborhood without fear, played in the woods with safety, and spent hours in school studying instead of worrying about being shot by another student.

As a young woman, I spend countless hours in the California forest with only my cat, Sesame, for company. And I felt completely safe to do so. Now, I wonder sometimes if I’m safe at the grocery store.

Today’s world is different. I don’t know if it’s really more dangerous today or if it seems more dangerous because we hear about all the tragedies with the greater news coverage and social media.

Either way, the world isn’t always safe. But we can change it. We can create a safer world for ourselves and for the children growing up.

Here are 10 things each of us can do starting today:

  1. Stop supporting movies and TV shows that glorify and perpetuate violence. We take in the violence we see, and with surround sound and big screens, we take in the violence at deeper and more destructive levels.
  2. Deal constructively with your own anger. Anger energy destroys if not dealt with constructively. Instead of stuffing your anger until it comes out in a rage, deal with angry feelings by recognizing them and voicing them effectively. If you can’t deal with anger constructively, get help.
  3. Exchange living in fear with living in love. Fear is contagious and so is love.
  4. Don’t let children play violent video games and don’t play them yourself. For children especially it’s often hard to discern where a game ends and life begins. There are enough scaries hidden under the bed. Don’t add more.
  5. Reach out to others, especially if you notice a person is lonely or depressed, or you notice a young person is being bullied. If you do not feel safe reaching out, then don’t, but if you can, do.
  6. Report to authorities—and teach your children to report—any suspicious activity you see or suspicious posts on social media. If the authorities don’t take you seriously, make the report again until they do. You can also report to another agency. Suspicious activity does not mean to report a person because their skin is a different color than yours or because you don’t like them or because they speak with an accent. Suspicious activity is, for example, someone posting on social media how they are going to get even, and they have a gun.
  7. Stand up for peace. Attend peaceful rallies.
  8. If you own a gun, look at why you know you are able to take another life. Guns have one purpose—to kill. If you have a gun, you must know you are capable of killing another human being. If there are young people in your house, lock up those guns and do not give them the key.
  9. Speak up. On social media or in person, when you hear/read someone spouting hate propaganda, speak up/write. Use facts and truth to back your argument, and of course, speak up/write in an assertive and respectful manner.
  10. Donate to causes and politicians that support laws that make all of us safer.

Violence is epidemic in the US, and it’s up to each and every one of us to make a choice. Are we adding to the violence or are we doing our best to add peace to the world? It’s our choice. It depends on what kind of world we want to live in and create for our children.

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