Phillip’s Wisdom on Gratitude

Gratitude, or thankfulness as some say, is a state of grace that produces in you an energy that creates the life you are meant to have. By this is meant that gratitude begets joy.

            When living in gratitude, you live without expectations of what you think life should be and instead live in a state of acceptance. This simple shift allows you to be love. When you are love, love comes to you in all the glories love has to offer. Instead of expecting love to come in one form and from one direction, you open to receive love returned from multiple forms and multiple directions.

            This is not to say you should never plan or never ask for your needs to be met. Quite the opposite. It is the manner in which you ask and the expectations of receiving. The asking for and receiving from may not come from the source you expect.

            You must always begin by remembering your true source, which is the God Head. Some may call this God, Goddess, Spirit, Universe, or Universal Love. By whatever name, your source is the Divine Energy that works through all life. Free will gives each human the right to accept or refuse your asking. There in is where humans see the conflict, but in truth there is no conflict. That for which you ask does come to you; however, it may come in a different form and/or from a different source than you expected. If you are tied by your expectations, you are unable to see that you are being given that for which you asked.

            Suppose, for example, that you are seated at a table that is laden with food. You ask the person on your right for the potatoes. The person on your right is deep in thought and does not hear your request, but the person on your left overheard your request and is able to offer you the dish. If you are caught in expectations, you will become upset that the person on the right is ignoring your request and you will ignore the person on the left who is offering you what you asked for.

            If, on the other hand, you are not caught in expectations, but instead living in gratitude for the gift of receiving the potatoes, what does it matter if the person on the right or left is the conduit?

            Now humans say this works for dishes at the dinner table. The principle is understood in its simplest form, but what about human relationships? How does it work here?

            The principle does not change. It remains the same: When you live in gratitude that for which you are grateful multiples. That which you ask for comes to you through life forces from the Divine Source. It may come in a different form and from a different source than you thought, but you can only receive once you open to receive by letting go of the control of directing how and from where the gift comes and stay in gratitude for the gift.

            When you live in gratitude, you stop clutching at life and stop trying to control the source and form of your gift. Life begins to flow through you, you learn to ask for gifts that are more appropriate for you, and those gifts that come to you are so much greater than anything you could have thought of. When you live in gratitude, the gifts that come are always from the Divine Source of Love.

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The Praying Shaman

Years ago, one of my teachers, Peter, told me about a shaman he had studied with (I believe in Ecuador, but not sure of my memory here). This shaman spent the greater part of his day weeping for his tribe and the night dancing and celebrating life. He was taking on and healing the tears of his tribe so they could live in joy.

There are those days when we all feel like that shaman, taking on the tears of the world – the tears of the people of Ukraine and other war-torn countries who have lost so much – lives lost, loved ones lost or hurt, animals lost or hurt, homes and businesses lost; tears for people and animals in severe weather; tears for those living in violence, and for all who are sick, in pain, depressed, or unable to cope with their lives.

We all feel that sense of being overwhelmed with our lives and with the suffering in the world. It is in these times, that we can feel helpless or we can take action. Whether we choose to pick up a weapon of destruction, to march, to write politicians, or/and to spend our time in powerful and healing energy and prayer work, we all have a path to follow to help all humankind to live freely.

My path is one of prayerful healing. This is not a religious prayer but a prayer to Spirit asking for help and guidance.

I pray for myself, for the strength to get through the hard times, to be wise and provide helpful service and council to others. I pray for my family, for their health and wellbeing. I pray for the safety of my community. I pray for those around the world who have made their transition today. I pray for their families. I pray for those caught in harsh weather, for those who have lost their lives, loved ones, or homes and businesses. I pray for those caught in violence, anger, or hatred that their hearts may be healed today and that they find a better life. I pray for the hungry that they be given food. I pray for the sick that they be healed. I pray for people in need of money that they receive all they need. I pray for everyone caught in war and revolution that freedom and peace be theirs. I pray for the leaders of all countries that they may know wisdom and create peace in our world, not destruction. I pray for those who are of service to our world that they are safe, and their lives be filled with joy.

I pray, and I know as I pray someone, somewhere is praying for me, and I am grateful. Please know I am praying for you. Please join me in praying for others.

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My Shaman’s Journey   

It was on my 50th birthday that I had a party and invited 50 of my friends. Each was asked to bring a present, but the catch was that they could not spend any money on the present. One of the women at the party, Vivain, brought a stone from Sedona, where she had studied with a shaman who explained to Vivian that the stone was not for her, but that she was to carry it to Ohio. He went onto say that Vivian was to give this stone to a shaman who did not yet know that she was a shaman.

           Vivian held onto the stone for several months, often looking at the stone and wondering if she’d ever find out who she was to pass it along to. Then came my birthday party, and Vivian knew the stone was to be given to me.

            When she put it into my hand and told me the story, I tried to withdraw. It had been years since I had thought about shamans and shamans’ journeys. Now here I was being pulled back into this world of healing and I wasn’t sure I wanted to go. Yet, our personal journeys have a way of pulling us back no matter how far away we may seem to venture, and eventually we learn that even the so-called venture away from ourselves is in truth just another avenue that leads us back to ourselves and the truth of who we are.

            Today, in spite of trying to not accept the stone, and at another time actually giving it away, the stone now sits on my altar or I often wear it as a wire-wrapped necklace. Whenever I do, others always take notice of it. Its energy – which I have long since come to respect – is strong with the shaman’s healing energy, an energy I am blessed to share as I journey my shaman’s journeys of healing.

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How We Each Create War or Peace

As hard as we try, we may not be able to put reason to what Putin is doing to Ukraine and her people. As we watch/read/listen to the news, our minds cannot comprehend that which cannot be comprehended.

We may not have the consciousness to understand, but we do have a responsibility to help. But how do we help?

We begin by looking within, by becoming aware of our emotions and thoughts, of our actions and reactions, of that which we conceive happening to us rather than from us. We become aware of our lives and how we contribute to either peace or war.

Every thought we have, every deed and action we take, contributes to either peace or violence. The hatred, anger, and anguish that causes one human being to take the life of another comes from that place of fear within each of us. Every time I am angry; every time I blame another; every time I lash out; every time I see another as less than me; every time I fret over what I don’t have rather than being grateful for what I do have; every time I dismiss another out of my hurt, every time I feel jealously or resentment, every time I feel inferior or dismissed…or, or, or…every time I act or react out of fear rather than from a place of love, I am contributing to the impressionable young person who builds a bomb or picks up a gun to destroy lives, or to a dictator who invades another country.

Every time I watch a movie and cheer for the violent triumph of the “good guys” over the “bad guys,” I am contributing to the mind of a person who picks up a gun and takes the life of another or orders bombs to be dropped. Every time I let go of reasonable and respectful discussion and settle an argument by yelling, I am contributing to the mind of a murderer.  Every time I am disrespectful to another, I am contributing to the mind of the one who commits evil acts in the name of a god or country.

Every thought we have, every deed we do, every action we take has energy that contributes to the consciousness of all. Once a word is spoken, a deed done, an action taken, that energy vibrates throughout eternity. Forever. Energy attracts like energy. It builds, and as it does, it grows in power.

Love is always – always – more powerful than fear. Always. But it must be fed. In our world of surround sound and giant screens and constant input from social media, we have the opportunity to feed the love like never before. We have the opportunity – and the responsibility to fill our screens and walls – and our minds – with love, powerful love of thought and action.

Our challenge in today’s world is to not give in to fear, but instead day-by-day, breath-by-breath, thought-by-thought, person-by-person, exchange our fears for love. We catch ourselves when our frustration builds at another and instead of angry words, we bless the other with a smile, which blesses us as well. We listen to our thoughts of bias against a group and turn our thoughts into ones of tolerance, acceptance, and respect for those different from us. We let go our thoughts of not being good enough and instead practice kindness and generosity toward ourselves, which in turn teaches us compassion for all.

We turn away from fear and embrace love day-by-day, breath-by-breath, thought-by-thought, deed-by-deed, person-by-person. It is in this way the consciousness of love grows greater than that of fear and we create a world of generosity, kindness, respect, and compassion – a world of love where the story is not one of evil and good fighting each other, but a story of love dancing with itself in the excitement and creation of life lived in abounded joy.          

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Giving is a circle that returns to us

To prosper we must keep our wealth in circulation, which means we must give as well as receive. When we are not giving, we are in the energy of lack. When we give freely from our hearts, we are open to receiving more. We are telling the Energy that we are so grateful for what we have so generously been given that we have plenty to share, and so we do.

How do we decide who to give to?

Although you must make you own decisions, my rule of thumb is to give to my spiritual sources and to give to that which helps others. My spiritual sources are my teachers and healers, animals, and nature. I help others by supporting the local food kitchen and homeless shelter in my community.

When we send a check, we are expressing our gratitude for what we have received from this person or organization and to help them continue their work to help others.

We can’t give to everyone who asks, so what do with all the requests?

Like many of you, my mailbox is stuffed with requests for donations. We can’t give to everyone, so here’s what I do. While holding the request in my hand, I bless them and their work, and then I put the papers in the recycle box. The blessing thanks them for the work they do and helps to hold the energy for them to receive that which they need.

What is the right amount to give?

As a child I was taught to tithe, which is 10 percent of your income. Sometimes that may feel like more than you are able to do, but what you can do is to set an amount – say 5 percent of your gross income, or even 2 percent – and consistently give that amount. Then when you are feeling abundant prosperity, you can write an extra check just to say thank you to Spirit for giving you so much. Eventually you’ll be able to give 10 percent consistently with an open heart and deep gratitude for having so much.

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12 Ways to Be the Peacemaker

We stand at a critical moment in US history, a time when division is strong between the vaxxers and anti-vaxxers; between the Democrats and Republicans; between those who work toward the healing of the planet and those who work against it; between kindness and compassion or fear and anger; between love and acceptance of all or racism.

               Earth is increasingly interdependent and fragile. With global warming, the pandemic, and world commerce, the future holds both great peril and great promise. Regardless of what our private world holds, we must recognize we are one with a common destiny. We must celebrate the great diversity of cultures and join together and become a sustainable global Earth with respect for one another and the planet. We must work toward universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.

               We each have a responsibility as peacemakers, within our local communities, our countries, and our world to make the world better. Let us make not only our present better for our lives and the good of all but let us remember we are all part of the larger living world and work to create peace for all and for our planet.

What you can do today for peacemaking in your community and in the world:

  1. Make one change in your life that moves you toward love and away from fear. One small change vibrates greater energy as it moves through the world and creates bigger changes. One small change can change your entire life and help to change the world.
  2. Find a cause and act. Get involved on a local, national, and/or international level.
  3. Volunteer at a soup kitchen to help heal hunger.
  4. Write a letter to government officials asking for sensible gun control checks and balances.
  5. Comfort someone at a local battered women’s shelter.
  6. Clean out your closets and pass along clothes to a local shelter.
  7. Talk to young people about bullying and help them find alternative ways of dealing with anger.
  8. Use social media to promote love instead of your fears and angers.
  9. Be part of animal rescue transport to help once homeless and abused animals move to their good forever homes.
  10. Concentrate on what’s right in the world, not on what’s wrong.
  11. Be grateful and stay in gratitude.
  12. As Dostoyevsky once said, “Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing more difficult than understanding him.” Listen to the other person. You may not agree, but you can listen with kindness.

The list is endless. Change begins within and with each one of us. Make the change today to love, not fear and heal your life and help heal our world.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Anger

Q. Why are humans so angry?

Phillip: Anger is a form of fear. Fear is the opposite of love. To truly know the appreciation of love, fear must be known.

            Do you not judge evil by that which you call good? Is it not in the weighing one against the other that you find balance? It is when you have felt hunger that you most appreciate food and when you have known thirst that you most welcome water to drink.

            If you know only love, this is good, but it is in the full experiencing of living that you know and understand life.

            It is for each to find the balance. In doing so, judgment must be laid aside and all is merely seen as the experience.

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To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate…

Viewers of my weekly YouTube videos ask questions of the esoteric nature, which Phillip, my spirit guide and teacher, then answers through me. Recently, the question was asked: “Diana, can you answer a question about why there is no acceptance of natural antibodies to COVID? Why is there such a large push for the jab for those who already have antibodies, if not for a sinister purpose? Thank you!” Additionally, a few people also gave a thumbs up to the question, indicating even more interest.

            Now Phillip will have more to say about the issue. I may think I know the answer, but Phillip always surprises me with more depth and breath, along new information and way of looking at the subject. So, I will have Phillip answer this question via the YouTube channel. Yet, I felt the need to also explain what I, Diana, feel about vaccines in this time of the Covid-19 pandemic.

            In full disclosure, I have had both shots of the Moderna vaccine. I also need to say that I’m not good about going to the doctor. In fact, I’m terrible at it. When I turned 70, I did research to find a local doctor and went for a check-up. I loved the doctor, so started taking her recommendations. She was good at suggesting vitamins and also suggested the flu shot, which I did start getting about that same time. Unfortunately, she moved a few years ago so I’ve managed to stay healthy and away from doctors, that is until I broke my shoulder two years ago.

            I do that, injure myself rather than get sick. Mostly I’ve been fortunate. A motorcycle mishap several years back now kept me in the hospital and a rehab center and nursing home for a few months. And I did have pneumonia after a vacation a few years ago. Other than these mishaps and the one illness, I’ve been fortunate enough to stay health and without injury. As the medical people say, “You’re in great shape…for a woman your age.” It’s that last part that gets me every time. Somedays I just want to forget on my next birthday I’ll turn 76. Most days I can’t.

            The energy level, although still pretty good for a woman my age isn’t what it used to be. Same is true of the immune system. It’s not what it used to be.

            But, and this is the BIG BUT, no one’s immune system is what it used to be and that includes children and adults. I grew up in a time when we grew our own food and walked or rode bicycles more than we rode in cars. Earth was less populated, and the air was more breathable. Earth was not yet in a climate crisis; food was not covered in the farmer’s poisonous pesticides, and we didn’t have to sit in medical waiting rooms because the doctor came to our homes.

            It wasn’t an ideal age by any means. It was before the time we became aware of Civil Rights or the Women’s Movement. In school, we ducked under our desks to practice being safe in case of an attack by the then Soviet Union. It was a time also time of polio, a disease that took life, put children and adults in an iron lung so they could breathe, or crippled their limbs. It was a horrible disease, and one the world called out for a cure.

            The scientists worked their magic and developed a vaccine, a vaccine that mainly brought people together rather than tore them apart. It was a vaccine that spread around the world and stopped the horrors of polio.

            I remembered this when I debated about getting the Covid-19 vaccine, and I thought about how the world has changed. I thought about my bodies’ natural antibodies and questioned if I were evolved enough in my understanding to ward off the virus. I though about the times I have said to others who questioned about using a medical doctor that God/Spirit works through humans. We don’t have to heal on our own; we have medical doctors and nurses, medical equipment, scientists, and medicines that help us heal.

            As a healer, and as a human, I recognize my limitations. I recognize that I am not the one doing the healing whether via words or hands. I am merely the instrument allowing the healing energy to flow through me. The healer’s responsibility is to be the channel; it is not within the capacity of the healer to force the other to accept the healing. This is true whether the healer is part of the medical community or part of the alternative medicine community.

            I question my strength and capacity to receive healing, whether from my body’s antibodies, practitioners of healing modalities, or traditional medical personnel via the vaccine.  As I step out of my human consciousness and the fear of the vaccine, and look deeper into myself, I learn that it was not wondering if my antibodies were strong enough to ward off the virus but even if I avoided getting sick, I could still infect other human beings—people I love and people I might just come into contact with. Could I live with that? Could I live with infecting another person who might not have antibodies strong enough to ward off the disease?

            The answer was clear to me. I got the vaccine.

            Will Covid-19 disappear without the vaccine? It might. But what of the lives that are lost until that time? What of the long-tern effects of the illness? Is it worth it to think our own antibodies are enough to keep us healthy? Maybe, but does mean we carry antibodies that keep us from knowing we are sick and so we infect another? I think not.

Check out my YouTube channel with weekly videos to help you live a greater life: Click here.

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Program Your Sleep for Happiness

What you watch on television at night can affect your mood the next day. So what are you doing watching shoot-em-up television shows or the news before you fall asleep, or please-don’t-say-it, even while you fall asleep? What pre-sleep suggestions are you feeding your mind? Do you really think you can feed yourself with violence at night and expect to wake up feeling refreshed and happy? Come on, you’re smarter than that!

Am I saying you should never watch television or the news? No. In fact, I believe we have a responsibility to keep ourselves informed about what is going on in our world. What I am saying is that you should be selective. Use discernment when selecting what to watch on television and listen to on the radio. The same is true for movies, film, books, and yes, even your conversations and your thoughts.

If you are going to bed angry, guess how you are going to wake in the morning. Certainly, sleep helps to defuse and cleanse a lot of our thoughts, but if you want happiness—if you truly want happiness–you have to give up feeding yourself unhappiness. Try this to help you do just that: Program your sleep. Spend the last thirty minutes or so before you go to sleep in peaceful contemplation, releasing any anger, frustration, or other non-life affirming emotion. Spend the time in meditation, reading uplifting or sacred text, journaling to release the day, thinking about the beauty in life, or just being in silence and listening to the quiet of the night sounds. Then as you give yourself over to sleep, give yourself the suggestion that you will spend the night in a peaceful, restful, and healing sleep for a specific number of hours, and that you will wake feeling happy and full of joy in the morning.

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On the Other Side of Negative Self-Talk

Usually I’m a positive, optimistic person, but it wasn’t always so. It’s been a long and often difficult road to this inner joy that I now am grateful to experience.

There was a time, however, when I felt I was at the bottom of a deep well where the light was so far away I couldn’t see it. There wasn’t anyone walking past the well, so it wouldn’t do any good to even put my hand up and scream for help, yet scream I did, at myself until I finally got my attention. It was then I started listening to myself, started listening to my inner talk, that self-talk that either destroys or creates.

Here’s what I heard” You’re not good enough. You’re not smart enough. You’re not successful enough. You haven’t done enough. You’re not enough, etc., etc., etc. You’ve heard it all before. Unfortunately, most of you are saying some of the same things to yourself, and it’s time to stop. Yes, easier said than done, but we have to start somewhere, right? So, let’s get going, together, today, right now.  This very minute.

Let’s make the promise – come on now each of us – to listen a little more carefully to our inner voice so we can tame that inner bully and turn it into a voice of loving kindness toward ourselves.

This isn’t a one-day activity that once we make the commitment all our self-talk will be loving, encouraging us to be the truth of who we are. This is a lifelong commitment to be our best and live our best life. It may not always be easy listening to ourselves but it is well worth the effort. Even when that self-bully slips back into our thoughts, it’s worth the effort to ask it to leave.

On the other side of negative self-talk is joy and the creation of the life we want. We will have the life we want because we will self-talk ourselves into knowing we deserve it . . . and we do!

Come on now, who’s with me?

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