Author Archives: Diana Rankin
Flight or Fright, A Life-Long Lesson
Here’s a terrifying thought; imagine being strapped into a flight suit, tethered to a steel cable and lifted hundreds of feet into the air only to be dropped to the ground going 60 mph. Even more terrifying was that my … Continue reading
Achieve Success Through Intuition
This article is from my archives, and I think the information is worth repeating. From the CEO to marketing to creative services to the shipping clerk, intuition is our best friend in the workplace. Over the years, I’ve presented ways … Continue reading
Are You Growing or Groaning to Happiness?
The playwright George Bernard Shaw said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” Read this quotation again because you must get this before you will be happy. Although you will have plenty of help along the way, … Continue reading
Countering Negative Self-Talk
People think of me as a positive, optimistic person, but it wasn’t always so. It’s been a long and often difficult road to this inner joy that I now am grateful to experience. There was a time, however, when I … Continue reading
7 Ways to Heal Pain that Binds Us
Our lives should be filled with joy, right? It’s our spiritual heritage, right? So why then is there so much pain and suffering in the world? And what, if anything, can we do about it? Are we just supposed to … Continue reading
Bullies, Bullets, and Blame
Back in 2011, I wrote this article about another mass shooting. The names have changed but not much else, including our part—and responsibility—in these horrid tragedies. I yelled at my cat today. It was a sharp piercing wail that surprised … Continue reading