Author Archives: Diana Rankin
Conservation with Phillip on Animals & Food
Question How can we help the animals? Should we be vegetarians? Phillip Humans must align themselves with the animals and learn of their choice. This means that a human is to ask the animal if they are willing to sacrifice … Continue reading
On the World’s Anger; the Way of Peace
A conversation with Phillip, my Spirit Guide Diana: Phillip, there is so much fear and anger in our world today. We are doing our best to counter it with love but it’s overwhelming. We feel we’re not doing enough, that … Continue reading
Phillip’s Wisdom for the New Year
All that occurs in your life and everyone who comes into your life is a mirror for you to see yourself. Many will baulk at this statement, not liking – or not understanding – its truth, so there is need … Continue reading
The Shift to the World of Love
Originally this article was published in The Spiritual Path newsletters in December 2012. Because its message is so important, I decided to add it to my current blog, with a few thoughts about our world today. In 2012, President Evo … Continue reading
Winter Solstice Is a Time for Introspection and Awakening Light
Winter Solstice comes at me always unexpectedly as the days shorten and the nights lengthen. Loneliness can overtake me in the darkness, leaving me feeling empty of energy, and I must remind myself to turn the loneliness into one of … Continue reading
Sitting in the Irish Mist
In the Western/American culture in which I live, we are impatient. We do not like being in the space between what was and what is to come, sitting in the Irish mist, I call it, because it reminds me of … Continue reading
3 Practices to Create Prosperity
These are practices I’ve used at different times in my life. Although I’ve not manifested $1 million, I have reached the point where I don’t worry about money. There was a time when I’d wake up in the middle of … Continue reading
Flight or Fright, A Life-Long Lesson
Here’s a terrifying thought; imagine being strapped into a flight suit, tethered to a steel cable and lifted hundreds of feet into the air only to be dropped to the ground going 60 mph. Even more terrifying was that my … Continue reading
Achieve Success Through Intuition
This article is from my archives, and I think the information is worth repeating. From the CEO to marketing to creative services to the shipping clerk, intuition is our best friend in the workplace. Over the years, I’ve presented ways … Continue reading