Author Archives: Diana Rankin
Visualize Yourself Happy
In the present moment, you may not be experiencing happiness, but you must have hope that tomorrow you will. It is this hope that will carry you through the darkest of times and take you into the new day of … Continue reading
Your Inner-World Friend
We are all connected with one another, and yet we so often feel alone, which leaves us feeling unsupported and lonely. And unhappy. Even if we accept intellectually that we are not alone—that there is something greater than we are—how … Continue reading
The Energy of Happiness
We all need to believe in something greater than ourselves and to believe this something that is greater than we are can help us. Just as importantly, we need to understand our role and responsibility in a relationship with that … Continue reading
Living the Vision
While as a soul in Spirit World, each of us chose a path to follow and a mission to accomplish. When we find – and follow – our path, the whole of the universe opens to guide and help us … Continue reading
Program Your Sleep for Happiness
To create the life you want takes powerful emotion combined with strong visualization and action. So just what are you doing watching shoot-em-up television shows or the news before you fall asleep, or please-don’t-say it, even while you fall asleep … Continue reading
Singing Yourself Awake
Creating happiness for yourself may not be the easiest task you’ve ever tried, but it certainly is worth it. Imagine yourself in the flow of life, where that which used to irritate you now seems so minor, or at least … Continue reading
From Depression to Happiness, 50 Ways to Help
Years back someone once asked me to describe life in one word. I said, “Hard.” At the time, life felt hard to me. There was little joy in my life. I was caught in a spiral of my-life-is-fun-every-once-in a while-but-most-of-the-time-it’s-sheer-drudgery. … Continue reading
Before Roe
She slammed the door shut behind her catching my attention. Her face said it all. “I was raped.” More horror filled the features of her face as she wrapped her arms around herself. Tears and anger combined with her next … Continue reading
Creating New Brain Pathways for Happiness
A lady came to me with a hurt wrist. She was amazed at the instantaneous healing that took place. Called it a miracle that her wrist— which had hurt for months—no longer hurt. Three days later she called and said, … Continue reading
Phillip’s Wisdom on Judgment
You will find as you suspend judgment you will no longer put life’s occurrences into categories. When there are no longer categories of what is right or wrong, good or bad, your emotions no longer dictate whether something “sucks” or … Continue reading