Author Archives: Diana Rankin
Creating the Blue Feather
In workshops, I’ve often challenged people to find a blue feather. It’s a way to convince ourselves that we do create what we want. There are two stories I tell when assigning the blue feather task. The first story is … Continue reading
Morning Meditation
In my morning meditation, I begin with a prayer, first of gratitude—a thanksgiving for life and all that has been given to me—and then I ask for healing, for myself and for everyone who has asked me to include them … Continue reading
Irish Queen Maeve and the Fairy
In ancient times, there lived a great warrior queen, Maeve by name. It is said that she was a goddess before men made her a mere mortal. At least they gave her the title of queen. No one would have … Continue reading
Silence and the Music of the Human Voice
I love silence. I love the peaceful quiet of my home in the early morning hours before the world is awake. I love the quiet steady hum in my vehicle with the radio off and the windows rolled up. I … Continue reading