Author Archives: Diana Rankin
Use the Phone to Check Intuition
The more you work with intuition, the more you become aware of the subtle messages being sent to you. It’s like learning a new language, one that you’ve been using your entire life, but may not have been aware you … Continue reading
Take a Step Back to Gain Intuitive Insight
Anne and I met in Newport Beach, California back in the days before California became too overcrowded. She was a fine arts painter who had a pottery shop. I was a poet who watched over a friend’s gift shop. The … Continue reading
I am…
I am the non-self, the person, the woman, the being, but never separate, never alone, always part of all that is. I am the wind that passes across my face; I am the aroma of the rose in bloom; I … Continue reading
Should You Fear Your Intuition?
Intuition is as common as breathing and should not be feared. That said, however, if we go into the deeper psychic energy, we must take measures to protect ourselves. What’s the difference between the intuition we use every day and … Continue reading
A Gnostic Tale
(Following is one version of the story. In other versions, the prince is a boy, the son of the king of kings, who is sent to Egypt to retrieve a pearl from a serpent. During his quest, he is seduced … Continue reading