As we heal, we heal the world—

Denying the existence of evil does not heal the world of evil. Quite the contrary. It allows evil to exist and flourish. If we believe we are God/Spirit/Energy having a human experience, then we must do all we can to bring that Love that we are into our human experience. We must look evil in the eye and call it out, not with anger, but with the power of love.

Before we can recognize evil within another, we must first be aware of our own emotions of anger and fear. We must be aware of how we strike out at others. We must be aware of our own fears that force us to try to make you believe as we believe, which comes from an insecurity of our own beliefs (If you believe as I believe than what I believe must be correct).

As we look within, we must call out that which harms our spite for that is what is harming others. As we see the anger and fear in the other, we must turn within and see the anger and fear within ourselves. Then, and only then, can we heal our wounds and exchange our angers/fears/evils compassion and kindness.

We heal ourselves not by denying what is but by looking at what is and exchanging that which does not help our lives and our world to live in peace and harmony. As we heal, we heal the world.

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