3 Practices to Create Prosperity

These are practices I’ve used at different times in my life. Although I’ve not manifested $1 million, I have reached the point where I don’t worry about money.

There was a time when I’d wake up in the middle of the night worried about paying the bills. Interestingly, my income is less now than it was then since I’ve cut back on my workload. Yet, I always have everything I need. Money comes from different sources, my work (book sales, speaking engagements, clients, etc.), donations and gifts, and from unexpected sources (money found in an old purse or pocket gone through before giving them away, a scratch-off lottery game, etc.). What I need appears when I need it.

We must have the intention, ask, and trust. Then receive. I hope these practices work for you as they have for me. Let me know.

Practice 1

Back in 2005 to 2007, Steve Pavlina started an experiment, a $1,000,000 experiment (Million Dollar Experiment http://www.stevepavlina.com/million-dollar-experiment.htm). He wondered if it was possible to make $1 million through intention, guided by intuition and synchronicity. He decided to find out and invited others to join him.

Every day for 60 seconds participants were to sit quietly with this intention: In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all, I intend $1 million to come into my life.

According to the Million Dollar Experiment site, 1,730 people participated in the experiment publicly over the two-year time span. Participants reported manifesting a combined total of $1,247, 929.17 in extra money. You might want to give it a try. We’ll hold the energy for each other.

Practice 2

In a blank check register, pay yourself in “energy money” $200 the first day. You must spend all the money, so write down how much you are spending and where you are spending it. For example, you might designate 10 percent as a donation to a spiritual source; another 10 percent for a wealth-building account; or you might buy groceries, theatre thickets; or pay a bill, etc. 

The second day, you double the amount you pay yourself, so you’ll have $400 to spend. The third day you’ll have $800, and so on. As you go along, any money issues you have will start to come up. They sure did for me.

It was around the $8,000 mark when I told a friend I was getting bored with the experiment. He asked me what I was “buying” (remember this is all energy money; not “real” currency). I said that I was making donations, saving some, paying the mortgage, vet bills, electrical bill, etc., etc., etc. He was yawning by the time I finished.

“What are you buying that’s fun?” he asked.

I had to think about that for a few minutes. “I bought some books,” I said. I like to read.

“Buy a $200 bottle of wine,” he suggested.

I nearly choked. “I hardly ever drink,” I sputtered. “Plus, I can’t imagine spending $200 on a bottle of wine.”

“That’s the problem,” he said and smiled.

I got it. It wasn’t about buying a $200 bottle of wine. It was about having the consciousness of prosperity, and I didn’t have it. I wasn’t having any fun with money. Somewhere in my belief system, I had the idea that I had to work hard for money, and I wasn’t allowed to be frivolous. Ha!

Although I’m still not frivolous with money, I do have a better balance in my life of work and play. I’ve also had to learn to play games with myself around money to avoid getting bored. Although money may never be my strongest motivation in how I live my life, I have learned to respect it more and in turn respect myself more.

There’s a PS to this story. My friend took me to his Mercedes dealer to shop for a new car. No, I didn’t buy a Mercedes. That wasn’t the idea. The idea was to raise my money consciousness. So I didn’t buy a new Mercedes, but I did get a new Toyota.

Practice 3

Give and receive. You’ve heard me say it before that giving and receiving are like breathing in and breathing out. On the in breath, we receive; on the out breath, we give. We can’t have one without the other. When we give, we signal to the Universe that we have plenty to give because we know that we are always provided with all we need, and so we are.

Raising our money consciousness takes time, desire, intention, and practice. We may not be ready to win the $1 million lottery or to buy a new Mercedes. But we just might be ready to get that new Toyota or…

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